"He's a very good person and comes from a great family....I'm hoping he'll be back in the program." - Frank BeamerThe above quote referenced a player charged with petty larceny, destruction of property, public intoxication, and possession of fake driver's license, all after being suspended previously.1 He was allowed to rejoin the football team in time for the season opener.
It's sad there are so many good kids who just happen to be in a bad place through no fault of their own. Therefore, we've created an abbreviated listing of Good Kids, Bad Places to show it's obvious these kids are misunderstood and are really good kids.
Some of the the following charges may be alleged and are thus noted that way; all individuals are presumed innocent until their eligibility expires or they transfer.
____________________________________________________________________"It's unacceptable and it needs to be addressed, and we keep seeing it from Frank Beamer and the Hokies. You can't have late hits. You can't talk trash every play. You cannot do that. ... The problem is more than just you're losing a game. There's issues. There's issues on the team."
- Kirk Herbstreit (2006)
Athletics Department Special Feature! Kevin Hicks24 - It's not just the athletes seeing the courthouse. In an attempt to gain street cred and locker room swag, this Tech athletics employee is being investigated for embezzlement for the past four years, running a private business “billing clients for broadcasting, producing and other media services of Virginia Tech sporting events as well as other interviews of Virginia Tech employees.”
2013 Repeat Offender! Cody Journell14 (Reinstatement Bonus!) (Weapon Bonus!) ("Good Person" Bonus!) Charged and arrested for breaking and entering with the intent to commit larceny, assault and battery or another felony after police responded to a report of a physical altercation, following an alleged home invasion at the residence of Virginia Tech basketball player Dorenzo Hudson. Charged with a class 2 felony as a prosecutor testified one of the men had a handgun of some kind. According to arrest warrants, it was “over some sort of drug transaction.” He plead guilty to a lesser charge of misdemeanor trespassing and was reinstated to the team in July 2012, just in time for the season. Per Beamer: "He made terrible judgment. He’s a good person; he’s got a good family." And in 2013, Cody managed to clear an entire restaurant when he discharged pepper spray indoors;20 his excuse: "stuff like this happens." Of course it does. A server who witnessed the event stated "I think he meant to do it." At least in Blacksburg spring practice counts for community service hours.
New for 2013! Michael Holmes23 - Arrested on two counts of assault and one count of malicious wounding, a class 3 felony involving "the intent to maim, disfigure, disable, or kill." Found guilty of a reduced charge of misdemeanor assault and battery, and per the Richmond Times Dispatch, "under Virginia Tech’s athletic department policy, because Holmes is no longer facing a felony charge, [the AD] can review Holmes’ situation to determine if he will be reinstated." Yeah, that sounds about right, misdemeanors are just training wheels in Blacksburg.
New for 2012! Dadi Nicolas15 (Reinstatement Bonus!) Charged with larceny as a principal in the second degree in an incident involving a stolen bike from a student. Subsequently reduced to misdemeanor petit larceny with 125 hours of community service. Reinstated to the football team in late August 2012, just in time for the season.
New for 2012! Telvion Clark16 - Arrested for public intoxication and swearing on St Patrick's Day in Blacksburg (hey, we may be on his side in this one; since when is being drunk on St Pat's a crime, and what else is there to do in Blacksburg). Previously, one of six players sent home from 2011 Orange Bowl for violating team rules.
New for 2012! Donaldven Manning18 - As a freshman, in less than 12 months, managed to rack up two misdemeanors in addition to three other traffic charges. Did he get dropped? Heck no, not only did he play, he wore his douchebaggery proudly by talking trash during the massive 13-10 OT victory over Rutgers.
New for 2012! Brian Rody17 - Arrested and charged for manufacturing and detonating an explosive device near an occupied apartment.
New for 2012! Joshua Trimble17 - Arrested and charged for manufacturing and detonating an explosive device near an occupied apartment.
New for 2012! Dahman McKinnon19 - Unlike the Hokie football team, this young man excelled in 2012 at both hitting and running. Charged with a felony due to failure to stop after a car accident resulting in more than $1,000 in damage. Also managed to get charged with operating a motor vehicle without insurance, failure to obtain a registration/title, and failure to obey a traffic signal.
"This was Gibson’s third arrest in his three years on Tech’s team, which could signal a stiff punishment." - HamptonRoads.com (2/25/11)
Xavier Boyce12 (Reinstatement Bonus!) In 2009, charged with felony grand larceny, misdemeanor petit larceny and two counts of misdemeanor intentional property damage from allegedly stealing bicycles from two female students (convicted of interfering with property rights, a misdemeanor); continued to play on the football team. Charged and arrested March 2011 with his girlfriend in Blacksburg on cruelty and child endangerment charges after an investigation into injuries sustained by his infant child. Even we can't make light of this situation; hopefully the family and child will get whatever help they need.
Tony Morrison1 (Reinstatement Bonus!) ("Good Person" Bonus!) Charged with petty larceny, destruction of property, public intoxication, and possession of fake driver's license; and all these transgressions occurred after being suspended for “unspecified behaviors” (sexual assault) and reinstated to the team just in time for the season. Per Frank Beamer, "he's a very good person and comes from a great family. Like some young people, he made a mistake...I'm hoping he'll be back in the program.'' Yes indeed, all young people make mistakes like larceny and destruction of property, especially those who are good people and come from great families.
DJ Walton1 (Double Digit Bonus!) (Reinstatement Bonus!) Convicted for driving under the influence twice and dismissed from the team; later returned to the football team in 2004 and again dismissed from the team for four counts of robbery, four counts of possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony, four counts of abduction and one count of possessing marijuana in connection with an armed robbery in Prince William County.

James Crawford3 - Defraud of a garage, leaving scene of accident, convicted of disorderly conduct. Suspended for Sugar Bowl. Alleged by victim as a participant in rape of coed in 1994 and found not guilty after fellow player stated he was in another room; he was convicted of an unrelated sexual assault and also of disorderly conduct after an altercation in a parking lot. After college proceedings failed to punish for first alleged rape, the victim filed under Violence Against Women Act and sued the college forp rotecting the football players and attempting to dissuade her (VT settled for $75,000).
Marcus Davis4 (Reinstatement Bonus!) Charged with felony grand larceny, misdemeanor petit larceny and two counts of misdemeanor intentional property damage stemming from a December 2008 incident in which they allegedly stole two bicycles from two female Virginia Tech students. A Montgomery County General District Court prosecutor decided not to pursue the felony charge; convicted of interfering with property rights, a misdemeanor. No worries kid, you can still play football.
Joe Jones4 (Reinstatement Bonus!) Along with his buddy above, charged with felony grand larceny, misdemeanor petit larceny and two counts of misdemeanor intentional property damage stemming from a December 2008 incident in which they allegedly stole two bicycles from two female Virginia Tech students. A Montgomery County General District Court prosecutor decided not to pursue the felony charge; convicted of interfering with property rights, a misdemeanor. No worries kid, see you next season.
Maurice Reevey10 (Creepy Charge Bonus!) Charged in 2004 with stalking by the Virginia Tech policy department.
Derrius Monroe11 (Reinstatement Bonus!) (Snitch Badge) Indicted on cocaine distribution charges; worked out a plea deal for two years probation in exchange for testifying against the drug ring's alleged leader, another football player (see below). He was originally "suspended indefinitely" (I don't think they know what that word means), but was later reinstated to the football team.
Manny Clemente5 - Charged with being a drug ring leader and the main trafficker who brought cocaine into Blacksburg from New York.
Walter Ford1 (Reinstatement Bonus!) Convicted in a shoplifting scheme in which he "purchased" $200 worth of items from the bookstore for 22 cents. Dismissed from team and told he would not be reinstated. Ford alleged that other football team members had shoplifted as well. Was reinstated by Beamer for spring practice the following year; missed spring game due to conflict with jail term, but later rejoined the team.
Chris Ellis6 - Arrested after a victory over Cincinnati and charged with resisting arrest and obstructing justice. Suspended for one game; sentenced to one year of probation and 100 hours of community service.
Josh Morgan6 - Arrested after a victory over Cincinnati and charged with resisting arrest, obstructing justice, and disorderly conduct. Suspended for one game; sentenced to one year of probation and 100 hours of community service.
Andre Kendrick7 (Reinstatement Bonus!) Two misdemeanor charges of marijuana possession. Suspended but later reinstated to the football team.
Josh Hyman6 - Arrested for your typical driving under the influence; you know, good kids, bad place.
William Wall9 - Ho hum, just a little reckless driving.
Doug Easlick22 ("Good Person" Bonus!) Reports for in 2005 mentioned he was a "good kid with a warrior's mentality," unfortunately he used that mentality to get himself a felony malicious wounding charge. He didn't miss a single game.
Cornell Brown1, 21 - Guilty of misdemeanor assault as part of "Blacksburg Brawl," sentenced 30 days in jail. Suspended for one unimportant non-conference game. He also came forward as an alibi for a fellow player named in a rape case. Later that season, he showed up at a bowl press conference in a ski mask with no mouth hole to let them know his silence towards the media would continue. At two bowl games in a row, he taped the numbers of suspended players on his helmet. After he graduated, he was charged with drunken driving in 1998 while visiting Blacksburg. And after all this good behavior, he was hired in 2011 as an assistant coach; all these years later, he's still driving around Tech's campus (probably drunk) and trying to fill that darn case.
Jesus Rodriguez1 - Charged with grand larceny and three counts of misdemeanor petit larceny after stealing from six fellow students. The victims included a basketball player, next door neighbors, and two dorm rooms.
Jim Druckenmiller1 - Charged with malicious wounding; later accused of rape by a coed. Acquitted partially because the victim's BAC was estimated at 0.30 and she was understandably fuzzy on the details.
Angelo Harrison1 (Weapon Bonus!) Charged with felony malicious wounding for his role in "Blacksburg Brawl", accused of beating a track athlete with a cane, breaking his collar bone in the process.
Antonio Banks1 - Charged with assault and battery....that's a choir boy among this crew.
Brad Baylor1 - Charged with felony abduction in a case involving a Virginia student who claimed Baylor held him captive and forced him to drink alcohol to unconsciousness.
Theodore Miller1 (Weapon Bonus!) Arrested in connection with a gun-brandishing incident; was the passenger who pointed a pellet gun at a fellow student from the window of an SUV.
Brandon Flowers1 (Weapon Bonus!) Arrested in connection with a gun-brandishing incident; was the driver of an SUV when a fellow player pointed a pellet gun at a student from the window .
Brian Edmonds1 - Plead no-contest to a charge of disorderly conduct in connection with "Blacksburg Brawl,".a plea bargain from the original assault and battery charge. Was also accused with James Crawford of raping a female student in their apartment. Both were indicted on rape and attempted sodomy charges. Each conceded that the prosecution had enough evidence to convict them of attempted aggravated sexual battery, but did not admit guilt. Each received a one-year suspended sentence.
Brendan Hill1 - Sentenced to 20 days in jail...no biggie.
Marcus Parker1 (Reinstatement Bonus!) Convicted of shoplifting from a Blacksburg grocery store. Suspended for four games but then called back into duty when starting RB was out...convenient. Drafted by the criminals of the NFL, the Bengals.
Michael Hawkes1 - Charged with assault in connection with "Blacksburg Brawl."
Nat Williams1 - Charged with assault in connection with "Blacksburg Brawl."
Mike Imoh1 (Reinstatement Bonus!) (Creepy Charge Bonus!) Gave vodka to 14 and 15 year old girls. Got them undressed, took pictures, convicted on three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Sentenced to jail time and fined. Sat out three games but returned to the starter role when needed.
Pedro Edison1 - Charged by Blacksburg police with three misdemeanors, including resisting arrest, breaking the windshield in a private vehicle near his apartment, and shattering a window in a police car. Police said he had to be subdued with pepper spray. Edison was placed in the back seat of a marked police car; police say he kicked out a back window. Earlier, he had pled guilty to misdemeanor reckless driving, resulting in the death of one of the passengers. Facing a felony involuntary manslaughter charge, Edison plea-bargained the charge to reckless driving.
Sean Sullivan1 - Found guilty of one of two assault charges from the "Blacksburg Brawl." Hey, one outta two ain't bad.
Tyron Edmond1
(Reinstatement Bonus!) First Tech football player to be convicted in "Blacksburg Brawl" trials (nine football players were accused of assaulting a track athlete and his friend); convicted of assault and battery, given 30 days in jail. No further discipline was issued from the team.
Brandon Pace1 - Does criminally dumb count? Posted several pictures online of himself and fellow football players (underage) consuming alcohol.
Todd Nolen1 - Recruit who was arrested on one count of felony maiming; one week later was arrested and charged with felony attempted robbery for alleged attempt to rob a fellow high school student of seven baggies of marijuana. Cited for punching the student and fracturing his jaw, while another choked him and attacked him with a knife.
References (current as of posting dates):
1 Not sure on the origin of the base data, but it appeared in 2006 from either a WVU fan (http://www.outsports.com/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t7828.html) or Sooners site (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?59730-VT-s-Rap-Sheet)
2a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Vick
2b http://blogs.sun-sentinel.com/sports_football_dolphins/2006/05/beamer_on_marcu.html
3a http://www.cir-usa.org/articles/115.html
3b http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?59730-VT-s-Rap-Sheet
4 http://voices.washingtonpost.com/hokies-journal/2011/02/virginia_tech_lb_lyndell_gibso.html
5 http://articles.dailypress.com/2000-08-28/sports/0008280107_1_virginia-tech-guilty-charges
6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Virginia_Tech_Hokies_football_team
7 http://articles.dailypress.com/1999-06-12/sports/9906130010_1_hokies-marijuana-possession-andre-kendrick
8a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Vick
8b http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dcsportsbog/2009/08/beamer_michael_vicks_a_good_pe.html
9 http://articles.dailypress.com/2006-10-17/sports/0610170219_1_virginia-tech-dismisses-wall-josh-hyman-coach-frank-beamer
10 http://www.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl/uwire/020405aan.html
11 http://articles.dailypress.com/2000-08-28/sports/0008280107_1_virginia-tech-guilty-charges
12 http://arrestnation.com/tag/virginia-tech-football-player-arrested/
13 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/hokies-journal/post/lb-lyndell-gibson-among-three-virginia-tech-football-players-transferring/2011/03/28/AFKjVlpB_blog.html
14 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/hokies-journal/post/virginia-tech-kicker-cody-journell-returns-to-the-practice-field/2012/08/08/e7aa535e-e160-11e1-a25e-15067bb31849_blog.html
15 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/hokies-journal/post/virginia-tech-de-dadi-nicolas-reinstated-to-football-team/2012/08/30/910b3b4c-f2e2-11e1-892d-bc92fee603a7_blog.html
16 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/hokies-journal/post/hokies-lb-telvion-clark-arrested-on-st-patricks-day/2012/03/20/gIQAxpHsPS_blog.html
17 http://http://www.roanoke.com/news/breaking/wb/317507
18 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/hokies-journal/post/virginia-tech-cornerback-donaldven-mannings-future-with-program-is-in-doubt/2012/11/13/ba684330-2e11-11e2-89d4-040c9330702a_blog.html
19 http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/va-tech-freshman-dahman-mckinnon-charged-with-felony-hit-and-run/2013/01/28/d6a839bc-6983-11e2-af53-7b2b2a7510a8_story.html
20 http://www.collegiatetimes.com/stories/21262/cody-journell-involved-in-pepper-spray-incident
21 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/hokies-journal/post/getting-re-acquainted-with-new-virginia-tech-assistant-cornell-brown/2011/04/06/AFbTOzoC_blog.html
22 http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/football/2004draft/Easlick,Doug-FB-Virginia%20Tech.htm
23 http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/virginia-tech-football-player-michael-holmes-is-arrested/2013/04/21/e956317e-aac2-11e2-b6fd-ba6f5f26d70e_story.html
24 http://www.timesdispatch.com/sports/college/virginia-tech/police-investigating-tech-athletic-department-employee-for-embezzlement/article_87b4ae04-af77-11e3-80cf-0017a43b2370.html
17 http://http://www.roanoke.com/news/breaking/wb/317507
18 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/hokies-journal/post/virginia-tech-cornerback-donaldven-mannings-future-with-program-is-in-doubt/2012/11/13/ba684330-2e11-11e2-89d4-040c9330702a_blog.html
19 http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/va-tech-freshman-dahman-mckinnon-charged-with-felony-hit-and-run/2013/01/28/d6a839bc-6983-11e2-af53-7b2b2a7510a8_story.html
20 http://www.collegiatetimes.com/stories/21262/cody-journell-involved-in-pepper-spray-incident
21 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/hokies-journal/post/getting-re-acquainted-with-new-virginia-tech-assistant-cornell-brown/2011/04/06/AFbTOzoC_blog.html
22 http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/football/2004draft/Easlick,Doug-FB-Virginia%20Tech.htm
23 http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/virginia-tech-football-player-michael-holmes-is-arrested/2013/04/21/e956317e-aac2-11e2-b6fd-ba6f5f26d70e_story.html
24 http://www.timesdispatch.com/sports/college/virginia-tech/police-investigating-tech-athletic-department-employee-for-embezzlement/article_87b4ae04-af77-11e3-80cf-0017a43b2370.html