September 19, 2012

Shocking No One. Tech Does Not Contend for Titles.

Today, in Stewart Mandel's College Football Mailbag on Sports Illustrated's website, he got a simple question that Hokies have been delusional in answering for years. What does someone outside the maroon cult think? Well, it turns out he thinks the same thing we all do.

So, with Virginia Tech's annual failure to live up to its ranking, is anyone going to admit that perhaps VT isn't really an elite program? Perhaps writers just like Frank Beamer too much and keep fooling themselves into thinking that VT is an elite program.
Answer Excerpt:
As for whether Virginia Tech is an elite program -- what, may I ask, is your definition of elite? If it's a program that regularly contends for national titles, then no,
Virginia Tech is not elite. 

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